Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hey guys, it's May 11th, the first paper of my A2 exams is tomorrow and I got so bored of studying I decided to post something.

So, it's the middle of the year already. Time seems to pass as fast as a Bugatti Veyron. It's already been one and a half years since I sat for SPM and finished form 5. Now, I'll be going off to England in September.

Recently, I found myself thinking about the past alot. from the early days of form 1, to being a senior in form 5, and then about the first few months of college, and just like that, I'm about to finish college in 3 weeks.
I get all nostalgic just thinking about it now.

So, I'd like to give a quick shout out to the people who I've been lucky (or unlucky) enough to meet in this past few years. in no particular order.
and a side note: don't get offended if I didn't mention you. I probably forgotten to put your name in or I just don't give a sheep about you. pick whichever reason suits your need best.

so here goes.

again, these are just the people who I've met after form 1. if I knew you before form 1 then you won't be in this list. So don't go trolling me, spamming my cbox saying that I don't care about you (even if I really don't)

also, check out the debut performance of THE BENCHERS belowww.

The Benchers is comprised of Sean, Jun and of course me.
we were very nervous and only had 1 day of practice so go easy on the criticism yeah?

peace, love and manatees.

1 comment:

  1. I do hope ivanovic's referring to me. If it is... *screams like a girl* :D
